The Lake Kivu and Rusizi/Ruzizi River Basin Authority, ABAKIR (Autorité du Bassin du Lac Kivu et de la Rivière Rusizi/Ruzizi) and the Lake Tanganyika Authority (ALT /LTA) have signed a Memorandum of understanding to strengthen the collaboration, partnership and the sharing of information between the two institution.
The signing ceremony was held on September 30, 2022 in Rubavu, Rwanda, on the sidelines of the closing ceremony for the “Support to the Integrated Management of Water Resources of Lake Kivu and the Ruzizi River” Project. Co-funded by the European Union and the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and implemented by the GIZ with ABAKIR, the project piloted the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus approach to better understand and recognize the deep interconnectedness between natural resources and human activities such as planning, managing or consuming water, energy or agricultural products. The Project was implemented between 2019 and 2022.
The MoU between ABAKIR and ALT is part of efforts to sustain the achievements made under the project.
The signing of the MoU was held in the presence of and witnessed by the Permanent Secretary of Rwanda’s Ministry of Environment Mr Patrick Karera, representatives of the EU Delegation in Rwanda, the GIZ, partner organisations, and local leaders from the ABAKIR Member States.
The memorandum of understanding paves the way for more collaboration between ABAKIR and ALT on matters related to environmental protection, pollution control, watershed protection, data management and exchange, research and knowledge sharing. Our partnership with the Lake Tanganyika Authority (ALT) will also extend to capacity building, environmental education and awareness raising, promotion of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture and building our populations’ resilience to natural disasters and climate change, among others.